morning. you are up and out the door.
morning. you are up and out the door.
morning. you are up and out the door.
morning. you notice something different. you are up and out the door.
morning. you notice something different. you have lost some hair during the night. you are up and out the door.
morning. you notice something different. you have lost some hair during the night. you get a little concerned. you are up and out the door.
morning. you notice something different. you have lost some hair during the night. you get a little concerned. you can see a bald spot. you are up and out the door.
morning. you notice something different. you have lost some hair during the night. you get a little concerned. you can see a bald spot. you think about scheduling a doctor's appointment. you are up and out the door.
morning. you notice something different. you have lost some hair during the night. you get a little concerned. you can see a bald spot. you think about scheduling a doctor's appointment. you wonder if it will ever stop. you are up and out the door.
morning. you notice something different. you have lost some hair during the night. you get a little concerned. you can see a bald spot. you think about scheduling a doctor's appointment. you wonder if it will ever stop. a pile of hair accumulates on your pillow. you are up and out the door.
morning. you notice something different. you have lost some hair during the night. you get a little concerned. you can see a bald spot. you think about scheduling a doctor's appointment. you wonder if it will ever stop. a pile of hair accumulates on your pillow. you are up and there's no door.


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falameufilho (joined over 13 years ago)

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