I was just taking a walk when it happened. Listening to music, enjoying the fresh mountain air, nothing special. It started with two butterflies. Two pink butterflies.

I had never seen two flying together before. I'm not much of a nature person. I don't like the woods, I just like the solitude. But these two butterflies caught my attention. I followed them through the woods, watching them zig and zag out of each other's paths, always staying together. I know nothing about butterflies it just seemed so unusual.

When they finally fluttered out of sight, I looked around and realized I didn't know where I was. I couldn't see the car lot anymore. Hell, I couldn't even see the path. I was lost.

Panic didn't set in immediately. I was smarter than the stupid woods. I could find my way out. I turned around and began walking. Aimlessly, I now realize. I walked and walked and then, not seeing anything, turned around and walked some more. I walked for six hours but panic set in around hour two. At least, I think about hour two. I didn't bring a watch.

All I know is that the sun started setting and I realized I was screwed. Beyond screwed. I don't know anything about nature but I know that there are wolves and coyotes and mountain lions in these hills and the temperature easily drops below zero at night. Here I was, wandering around in my matching Nike shorts and shirt with half a water bottle of gatorade. I get the feeling I'm not going to last long.


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SarahC (joined over 13 years ago)

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