zZz by up2105

I was not at ease without the lights. I definitely felt an insect of some sort, crawling along my chest... Perhaps it was a spider? Wait, is a spider an insect? Well, it can't be a mammal, that's for sure.

The lights. I felt along the side of the wall, hoping to catch the lamp unplugged; but no, it was plugged in and my heart sank a bit. I didn't want to change the bulb. But what if it wasn't the bulb? What if it was an electrical outage?

What if this was the return of the dark ages, where we blindly stumbled along without lamps and iPhones? What if I have to start planting my own crops just to sustain?

And then it hit me... Bugs or not...


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up2105 (joined over 14 years ago)


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Sleepy worried



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