Raisins are evil. They just don't belong... anywhere really. They're grapes that couldn't make it and have a second chance as rai-sins... that's right. Sins. You read it right. You have to admit that it's pretty strange that sins is right there in raisins. They're evil little wanna bes that wreak havok on all things good and wholesome. Cinnamon buns for instance. What's worse in a cinnamon bun than raisins? Nothing! Raisins are the poops of the fruit world! And they end up in your cinnamon bun like little turds. Little fruit turds that have to be picked around and eaten around and tossed into the trash, left for dead. And dead they should be. Why would anyone put rai-sins into other foods? Someone tainted by rai-sins that's who! Crazy freaks just mess everything up and make it yucky! Gross little rai-sins. The sins of the rai. An ancient tale of cinnamon buns full of rai-sins! The little bastards should just go away... and shrivel up more!


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Galen over 13 years ago

Hah! Tag-team insanity. MOAR!!!!

Shteevie over 14 years ago

Raisins only belong in Raisin Bran. And Glossettes.

I like your analysis of the word "raisins" though. Equally chilly is the word "therapist."

zapfogldorf over 14 years ago

Right you are... I'll take the rapist for $200 Alex...

Gone Awry about 13 years ago

you REALLY hate raisins, huh?

zapfogldorf (joined over 14 years ago)

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