She hoped she was dreaming, but it didn’t feel like a dream. It felt unnervingly real as she and her belongings fell, the ground coming closer and closer, faster and faster. She remembered going to bed, and she HAD been asleep, but now…

It had to be a dream. Had to be. Where had she fallen from, if not? And where had all these… these… things come from? Three alarm clocks? A pineapple? She briefly wondered whether there were any Freudian links here, decided there probably were, considering the banana and teddy bears. Perfect essay fodder for her psychology degree.

And another thing, it seemed rather a coincidence that she had been reading Alice in Wonderland just before she had fallen asleep, and now she was falling (not down a rabbit hole, granted, but still falling) from the sky. Definitely a dream. The more she believed she was dreaming, the more relaxed she became, even starting to enjoy the trip.

When she hit the ground, she wasn’t aware of it.


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lisamarie20010 (joined over 13 years ago)

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fall dream bear Freud


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