If given enough time to think of it he would go back into the fire to get it. The moment the Christmas gift was opened, he got up and filled the cup with coffee. Ever since then and with few exceptions it had been used most every day. It was white with Disney's Magic Kingdom logo on it just over the letters D-A-D also in blue. This wasn't his style or desire, but yet this was. He knew the minute he picked it up who the previous owner was, and it was a connection that he would never make in this world. There is no longer any logo or letters, just the white cup in the shape of a turret.


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Galen over 14 years ago

I like the symbolism of the "turret". Trivial belongings are the castles of our memories.

Matt_Hawk over 14 years ago

thanks. reads much better.

Matt_Hawk (joined over 14 years ago)
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stream of concious narrative


memory coffee


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