The sun had been on her body for 6 days now. Beating down on her pale skin in the Pennsylvania field. Arnold was driving by and saw something strange, and of course it smelled awful; it was 85 degrees that July 4th and he was headed to Grandma Beth's for the pig roast. He pulled his white pickup to a halt, the dust flying behind him into the hot summer air.

He hopped out, put his handkerchief to his nose and mouth, and pulled his straw hat slightly over his eyes. Arnold walked but two steps when he started gagging to the point that he threw up. Annie. Annie Lewis. The missing 19-year-old mother of 6-month-old Grady Lewis, no husband around to speak of. Here she was, on the 4th of July, naked in a field rotting; she had been missing for 6 days, and those 6 days she had been here and no one had found her. Not until she started to rot did Arnold find her body. There was something odd about this, though...


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NYgirlLovesCA (joined over 14 years ago)
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I'm 34 and live in NY.

and these are my stories...(insert Law & Order sound here)...

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