It approached. The first day of writing a 6 minute story. "Excuse me? A story about a story? That's so meta", I whispered to myself. The truth is, the story is really about life, and life is both the story and the story teller.

Four minutes. Really, it took two just to write that paragraph? "It's been so long since I've written creatively", I thought to myself. It's true. It's been years. Nowadays, most of my words are shaped in the form of technical documents, twitter updates, and code.

Three minutes. Time is ticking down. I look to my right, subconsciously trying to distract myself from the seemingly difficult task of writing a short story about writing a short story in 6 minutes. Pause. My mind is blank... can't.. think.. of anything.

Plot twist. My door slowly creeks open. I peer from my desk, but see nothing. What could it be? A spirit? An intruder? My cousin Amanda playing a trick on me? (Truthfully, I don't have a cousin Amanda). I look down to the floor. It's neither of those ghastly things. It's just my fluffy kitten Patrick


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Galen over 14 years ago

To be continued?

Secret Identity (joined over 14 years ago)

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story about writing a story


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