If there was hope, it lay with the proles... or something like that. Winston, the character from that stupid book he'd been forced to read for English lit, had been whinging on about how the proles were stupid or something, but yet he seemed to find hope in their humanity. What? Why? His teacher would want him to expand on the concept, and he couldn't very well just copy the Cliff Notes word for word, nor admit that he'd simply read the synopsis. He called up Cara.

Her voice sounded sleepy on the phone. "Yeah? What do you want?"


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It was twenty to eight.

"Actually, it's almost quarter-to."

He was such a pedant.

"I can see what you're writing, and I'm not, I just like to be precise about these things."

Once again, his obsessive compulsive need for exact timekeeping

"I don't have OCD."

He had completely missed the fact that he hadn't been diagnosed with any kind of disorder, just displayed some obsessive compulsive behaviour. It was more of his paranoid ideation, presuming that an innocent

'You haven't interrupted me.'

"You're being boring. It's just bitching now. Although now it looks like you're the paranoid one."

'I'm not...

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It approached. The first day of writing a 6 minute story. "Excuse me? A story about a story? That's so meta", I whispered to myself. The truth is, the story is really about life, and life is both the story and the story teller.

Four minutes. Really, it took two just to write that paragraph? "It's been so long since I've written creatively", I thought to myself. It's true. It's been years. Nowadays, most of my words are shaped in the form of technical documents, twitter updates, and code.

Three minutes. Time is ticking down. I look to my right,...

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