The sheep were at pasture. The air was still and crisp, silent but for the rustle of leaves and the drift of a "baa" from the content grazers.

Restless, I turned my eyes to the mountains that were the backdrop of the field, letting my eyes rove over the gray craggy slopes up to the snowy white caps that scraped at the belly of the sky. I felt the chill creep up my spine.

Adventure stretched just beyond these fences. One day, I would become more than this, more than a humble shepard. One day, I would scale those mountains and be able to tell everyone just what heaven looked like. I would pierce the clouds, venture beyond the insignificant markers that had once been my boundaries.

I would reach new heights, I would become everything I wanted to be and more than what was expected of me. Yes, yes, all this, all these thoughts flow from watching sheep eat their grass and plodding across the rolling hills.

Amazing how some decisions are made, isn't it?


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Rogue Krystal (joined almost 14 years ago)

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