I had already been running for way too long. Over rocks and streams, around trees, it didn't seem to matter. The maze of the landscape seemed perfectly clear to me as I forced myself through the forest.

The only things I knew for sure were that I had to get away from this thing and that the only advantage I had was my familiarity of the land.

The beast was definitely faster than me. And hungry. Those two things together weren't making things look good at all.

Why did I have to go into its territory and steal food? Why...

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They gathered in the woods.

The circle wasn't complete. It probably wouldn't be - they were a dying breed, a dying art.

None of them were sure if the ceremony did anything - if it ever had. The elder members of the group - the ones who were dying out, the ones who were disappearing before they could share enough information to perpetuate them - claimed that it had worked, that it still worked, but the magic was dying with the belief.

The youngest walked the path of the circle, her bare feet already dirty, her old dress (torn, ruined,...

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