My eyes were tired; I rolled over in my bed, and stared briefly at the moon.

I turned back to face my fan; the 90-degree summer heat only dropped to 78 overnight, enough to make me sleep in shorts and a tank top.

My phone buzzed and lit-up its orangy color. Message from: Alex. I clicked to read the message, and it was some drunken rambling. "Oh boy," I thought, "what now?"

Our messages would go back and forth with when we would meet again, to what each other did that day or night. That was the summer I owed...

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The movies always told me that it's the girl who usually hurts. It's the girl who usually waits, and the girl who usually feels lost in love.

My life isn't a movie.

I'm here in the forest, like Bella waiting for Edward, staring at the clock she gave me, counting down the days, the hours, even the minutes. Like a teenage girl pining over a college boy, I want nothing more right now than her in my arms, curled up on the grass beside me.

She can be thousands of miles away. She can be attending classes and working her...

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