He ran into the room, his heart pounding, and his clothes soaking wet.

"Mummy, Mummy!" he yelled, his face flushed and eyes gleaming with excitement.

"What is it, sweetheart?" I asked, my heart in my mouth, fearing the worst.

Surely nothing terrible had happened in those few short minutes since I'd turned my back and left him to his own devices?

Unconsciously scanning his body for weeping wounds, gaping gashes or odd shaped bones like a Men in Black zapper I began to relax.

"What's happened now?" I said, smiling at my golden child.

"Mummy, I rode up the hill...

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"Who among you, if her son asks her for bread, will instead give him a stone?"

I was paraphrasing, and quoting out of context, but she didn't know that. She was just a foolish, naive, ignorant, innocent young girl. She'd begged and pleaded for the opportunity to raise a pet. The goldfish just hadn't been enough, either. Oh no; she wanted a mammal.

So the baby gorilla came home with me one day, fresh out of acting school. This little guy was GOOD. He could play dead with the best of them. He could even slow his heart rate to...

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