I'm in luuu-uv with a ro-bot
An' I just can't stop
Got a feelin' he's a bad lot
But he gets me over the top

It was loud. It was *bad*. It was everywhere. It was augmented by neon lights in rainbow colors and, somehow, the voices and laughter bouncing off all the hard surfaces in here.

So, this, apparently, was a bar.

"Relax," Maya muttered at her side. "You look like a nun in need of Ex-Lax."

"This isn't what I had in mind," Elizabeth hissed back. "What the hell in the phrase 'a quiet night somewhere' made you...

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She should have been writing. Instead, she watched the time slide away from her.

5'44". 5'32". 5'11".

What was this? she asked—not herself, but God, the heavens, the hall monitor, anybody but herself. Was this paralysis?

No. This was a choice. And even though she closed her eyes, she still couldn't get away from that.

4'09". 3'58".

Why not write? There was the prompt on the page. She could do this. She was good at this. She always had been, always, always. Write on command. Paper comes back; mark at the top.

She didn't work hard for years and take...

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