Other stories for this prompt

After my first day on medicine clinic, my head was spinning like a top. I couldn't believe how disorganized the modern American hospital could actually be. If anyone had told me, "dear, when you finally become a doctor, your colleagues will constantly be trying to kill your patients, and you'll have your hands full trying to stop them from practicing medicine," I would have just laughed nervously and moved on.

Yet, here I was.

Nothing could have prepared me for the carnage I was witnessing, and not just in terms of my coworkers being lazy, stupid, and sometimes downright malevolent....

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Spinning. The whole world was spinning.

And not the good kind either. The ground was pitching backward under my feet, making the sky wobble on its axis and vault over me as I hit my knees.

It was so hot... This's heat stroke?

The black asphalt, hotter still than the sun itself, scraped my skin as I went down, the color brightening and blurring across my vision into one massive kaleidescope of obnoxious rainbows, melting together. The sound buzzed unintelligibly in my ears, somehow feeling cold.

"Get out of the way! Move it!" I could vaguely hear the sound of...

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Spinning. Maybe not the most productive way to spend the day. But I couldn't think of anything better.

At least not when I was 6. So those lazy summer days were spent spinning whenever I could. Falling down in the leaves just made it happy bonus time.

Of course, that was well before the incident. I was spinning down what I thought was an empty street. Spinning because I knew that would make the daily trip to the store more fun. Because one of the perks of living that close to school and being friends with the principal was that...

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Round and Round and Round she goes, where she'll stop, no one knows...

"Another cuppa, please. I've got a long night to go" The lady at the bar say, rubbing her eyes

I oblige quietly once she hands over the two pounds fifty it costs.

Life moves fast here. So many people pass through, all of them blur after a while, here on the stretch. Most don't stay more then an hour- others like Howard stay for years. Black and white. Here or gone.

I wish I could be one of the ones to leave here. It's odd, because it...

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Spinning. Reams and reams of golden thread passed through her fingers as the spinning wheel conutinued on its endless spiral of revolutions. She had blisters now on all the fingers of her right hand. Blood seeped from under her nails and dulled the glow of the thread as it piled higher and higher on the floor beside her. She wondered what the point was but knew she couldn't stop. He would be back soon and then she would know her fate. Spinning. He said that if she got through all of it he would give her her freedom. She didn't...

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As I drift towards the ground, I spin and the world spins around me. The blues and greens and browns flash past, a kaleidoscope around the carousel of my descent.

The spun silk canopy spinning with me and giving an orange glow from above as the Sun's rays find it in the blue, blue sky.

The Earth rushes up, faster now. Still spinning, I begin to tense. Remember the instructions.


Let your legs go limp.

Tuck and roll.

The spinning stops with a thud.

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About the prompt

Originally displayed on:
November 03, 2010


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