I put my heart and soul into everything I write. Snaps, anyone who reads the things I put on paper, learn too much about me...
They will learn how much I feel, the things I've lived through, the things I've endured.
I'm I really ok with someone, anyone knowing me that well?
Strangers reading my works, I don't mind. They don't know me from Adam. But people that know me, even if it isn't very well.
Reading one of my stories, my poems, they will get to know me, on a level I'm not sure I'm ok with.
I put my heart into my writing. Am I ok with people knowing my heart?
Every little, intricate layer of who I am, is found in my writing. The words I put on paper, all of them are just little parts of who I am.
Am I ok with you knowing me that well? To feel vulnerable and naked in front of you. Thats how I feel after you read a story I've written, or a poem.
Such important, deep thoughts come out when I type, or put pencil on paper. Can I trust you with my heart?
Can I trust you knowing me inside and out? Vulnerable and naked. Everything laid out for you to read...to understand. Can I really let you get that close?
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