I jumped.
Then I found mysef flying.
Yellow street lamps weaved below me.
They said that yellow represented caalm and the ability to fly signified that I was rising above my problems.
But what do they know?
Their 'experience' came from reading books. Mine came from real life, from living with the monsters in my head. Dark, shapeless freaks clawing at the psyche, dripping poison into every cell and stem, clawing relentlessly at my skull.
I tried to cut them out, I tried to drink them t sleep but they wouldn't stay quiet for long.
Therapy! What a joke. Seeing those experts nodding smugly as I told them of my progress.
I did progress....I found a quick way to die.
And now I am flying. I have risen above my problems. And Heaven is yellow.


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coffeewithkate (joined over 13 years ago)
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The Mistress of Procrastination. ;-)

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