i am forgetting about the prompt.

a woman came in, a regular.
one of the town 'crazies'
may i just say, i love this woman.
even though her choice of topics can and frequently are controversial- even though i've disagreed and even gotten upset over her opinions- i love her.
she is a free spirit
a real independent
doesn't care what you think or what they say- she has her facts and she is sticking to them

though most who know her (or know of her) would laugh or quite honestly have it in for me-
i find her inspiring
she has such a spark for life
and she refuses to let anyone control hers

i love her look on life (most of the time)

and i wish we could sit and have lunch at least once a week so she could fill me in on her ever-so-entertaining ever-changing pursuits.

what a woman..


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justagirl (joined almost 14 years ago)

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Prompt (write a story including these elements)

hero Just a regular person.
villain The one who always had it in for me, ever since school.
goal Let it go
Prompt suggested by DoctorMikeReddy


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