The contours of her form were clear under the light shining through my window. She was laying there nude on my couch as I drew her. My eyes, flicking back and forth from the paper to her. My hand, gliding wildly across the paper in motions similar to a snake whipping it's way across a desert. I had asked her to model for me. Not because I have a crush on her. Not because I'm trying to date her. But because her body is so gorgeous. It flows with every move she makes, twisting and bending and flowing. She lays there, half asleep, while the music plays and I observe her. I can't tell if she is watching me. My eyes move so fast i only get glimpses of parts of her I'm not drawing. I'm smiling. I think that's what she's looking at. I'm smiling, not because there is a very attractive girl laying on my couch in my room, but because I'm having fun. My heart is racing, my blood is boiling. All because this is what I love. And to be honest, I think I love her too.


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Galen over 12 years ago

Great cohesion and I like the play on the prompt. Welcome to Six Minute Story!

Footsurprise (joined over 12 years ago)

1 favorites

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


happy romantic artistic


Art art drawing modeling nude figure


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