They had come up this mountain every wensday evening for the last three years, from the creation of there IOGT-lodge. The first one in this country and now there outdoor meetings was to come to an end. The lodge house was soon to be finished and there common soberity had a place to live
Indeed in a hundred years another generation will look at this photo and now the story some even beeing related to the heroic pioners of the movement.
How the small movement for soberity started in New York state now lived on and inspired so many generations was incredible.
But that summerday they did not know that, they where just living there life even if the marriages and children soon would come
I think I should start using this site again
English is NOT my native language, and yet I write in it. With all the mistakes that follows. Such as I write wrong on some of the more common words there and their. Shamefully as it is , I should know the difference.
The fact that my inspiration for quick stories mostly comes while tired do not help the spelling either.