I jumped clear out of my skin, I did. Well, I wasn't es'pectin' him to come creepin' up behind me all quiet-like! Nearly gave me a heart attack, I warrant. It's like I always said; that boy's gonna get his self in a heap a trouble if he don't shape up an' learn his self some manners. Come girl! What's got you all google-eyed out the window? OOooohhh no. No, no. It just ain't right; you givin' him so much of the good Lord's precious day as you do. Come away from that window now, girl. That's not a good sort of boy, I tell you. "He's gonna get his self in trouble", I say.


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Gone Awry about 12 years ago

Hahaha, I know EXACTLY who you're talking about, though you forgot the "I'll not have him in this kitchen. Not for as long as I'm 'round. I 'ave it in writin', I do. IN WRITIN'!"

Gone Awry about 12 years ago

Hahaha, I know EXACTLY who you're talking about, though you forgot the "I'll not have him in this kitchen. Not for as long as I'm 'round. I 'ave it in writin', I do. IN WRITIN'!"

Jayden Nicole (joined about 13 years ago)

I have a passion for art and an overactive imagination.

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