The disco ball was turning, splattering little dots of light around the room. James waited patiently in his carefully thoughtout position directly above it. He needed to wait until his target reached the invisible X directly under the big rotating ball of tiny mirrors. His fingers ached but soon, he told himself, soon he would have satisfaction. The man in the suit coat was nearing th X. James positioned the knife next to the rope that held the disco ball. The man was on the X. In one swift motion, James cut the rope and watched as it fell. There were a few shrieks from below. Right on target. The man lay motionless under the massive ball of gittering light. James leapt from the rafters and landed splendidly in front of Katherine. He looked up at her. She had expected him and she was beautiful. Finally, he had his satifaction. Finally, he had his Katherine.


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Gone Awry about 12 years ago

Oh my... You really must tell Scott to use this. I can see it now. "Unfortunately, a mafia agent severed the rope holding the disco ball to the ceiling, crushing him to a pulp beneath it's glittery bulk." Remind me to request being the narrator next time so I can use it.

Gone Awry about 12 years ago

Oh my... You really must tell Scott to use this. I can see it now. "Unfortunately, a mafia agent severed the rope holding the disco ball to the ceiling, crushing him to a pulp beneath it's glittery bulk." Remind me to request being the narrator next time so I can use it.

Unkempt_Dreaming about 12 years ago

Love this. I feel like I've been reading a novel and have come to the climax!

Jayden Nicole (joined about 13 years ago)

I have a passion for art and an overactive imagination.

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