She'd have preferred the electric chair. She'd always been a fan of electricity. She recalled the first time her mother had given her a knife and set her down in front of the light socket. "Go on...Stick it in there good now honey" her mother had told her. And the jolt. Wow. Margaret knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life from that very first light socket. Electricity would be her calling. And boy did she answer that call.
As a young girl she would put on shows for the kids on the block by hopping in the bath tub and then dropping in her mother's hair dryer on "Hot/High". The kids loved it.
As a teen she impressed the boys by hooking up her jumper cables to a car batter and then biting the other ends. The boys had never seen anything like it.
And for her finale, it was to be death by electricution. But, as it was, she'd have to make due with the gas chamber. Out of character, for


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reed waterloo almost 12 years ago

This writer is is what the french call 'lezencompitant'

reed waterloo (joined about 12 years ago)

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bath tub jumper cables gas chamber


lost rambling hum drum closer


She'd have preferred the electric chair.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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