Daring to be noticed for the first time in her life, she pushed her chair back and stood up. "Everybody take a good long look at these" she exclaimed.
Jeff turned around to see Samantha holding a rat in each hand. She was smiling for some reason. And then it happened. The rats smelled a rat. That's exactly why Samantha had brought them. She knew if anyone could sniff out the rat that was most definitely sitting somewhere in the class, it would be another rat. (To catch you up, someone told the teacher that Samantha was cheating off of their paper, and being that Sam was looking at anyone's paper she could get her eyes on durring tests, the rat could be anyone).
So there they were. 2 Rats, Samantha, classmates, and in there somewhere, another rat (human rat).
Sam set the rats free and they immidiately ran over to Jaime.
"That bitch" Sam screamed.
"Well stop cheating off of me, God" replied Jaime.
The rats attacked. They started knawing at Jaime's shoes, and before anyone could do anything, they were finishing off her legs.
Just the torso remained when Jaime let out her last breath. "I'll never forgive myself. I'm so sorry Sam". She died.
"Oh Rats" muttered the teacher.


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reed waterloo (joined almost 12 years ago)

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animal planet fast times at Ridgemont high planet of the apes


weird Weird unconventional rodent filled high schooly


Daring to be noticed for the first time in her life, she pushed her chair back and stood up.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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