I dare you. I dare you. I dare you.

Her so-called friends had decided that it was time she took a stand against their teacher, apparently his 'bullying techniques' and 'sadistic behaviour' towards her was unacceptable. Not that she noticed, people could say what they cared - it was up to her whether or not she listened. That was of course her main problem concerning her; she just didn't care enough.

"I see we're having another quiet day today?" Said with so much contempt, spilling from a mouth that was hated by so many. She took a deep breath and pushed back her chair, today was not a day for ignoring.

"No, sir, not today. Though maybe it would do you good to have a quiet day once in a while? Your teeth are decaying with the sheer amount of rot that is coming out of your mouth."


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JoFitz (joined over 13 years ago)

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Daring to be noticed for the first time in her life, she pushed her chair back and stood up.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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