In the event that you perchance upon a mythological entity, and said entity or, dare I say, entities, have desired coconuts, the directions for capturing said coconuts is as follows:

Step 1: Determine if entity — say, your brother — is malicious in intent, or simply a selfish flesh-eating neanderthal.

Step 2: Break his ankles, or perhaps if you feel lucky, both pinky toes.

Step 3: Steal said coconut, bash open with rock and/or machete.

This of course can only work in aforementioned mythical kingdoms. If your brother is Pelops, and you are Tantalus, then you are fully fucked. Perhaps not, however.

And remember, kids: when in doubt, build a hollow horse.


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El Wordy Baron (joined over 15 years ago)

We, Byron; A Lord = ?

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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0


Prompt (write a story including these elements)

hero Tantalus
villain Pelops
goal Coconuts
Prompt suggested by Galen


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