Wistfully the dog gazed out over the water. The sandwich his owner had not been able to finish was floating away, moving teazingly with the waves. If he had not been tied down with a leash the dog would have jumped in the water after that sandwich. He had not yet had anything to eat today and his stomach was complaining. The sound of his owner's laugh brought his mind back to the ship. He jumped down from the railing just a split second before the leash was janked. Trotting obediently after his master the dog contemplated all the smells around him. Lots of people were out on the sundeck this morning. Their mouths full of the wonderful breaths of the breakfast they had just had. The dog looked at a little girl playing at her mother's feet. She had put her cinnamon roll down on the deck next to her. Just as they were passing the dog, with a swift move nabbed the bun. No one noticed. There at least he would not starve today.


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