It was the only thing left of the north building. Three thousand tons of steal, concrete, and human flesh had been on the corner of 21st and L in northern Chicago, now all that was recognizable was a portion of the elevator control switch from unit 2-b.

"Mr president," the secret service agent tapped President Chris Goodwin on the shoulder.

He turned and nodded to the young agent and took the envelope containing the keys that would end the world.

"This isn't the right response Chris," said his wife. "We have to consider other options."

"With all due respect to the first lady," said the Vice President, "There is no other option. This was a nuclear attack on American soil. It didn't go off properly and for that reason alone millions of Americans are still alive. But if we don't respond now with appropriate force, the next time they will now that these type of actions will not provoke us. We must act now."

"Mr President," asked the General "your decision?"

"Think of our children Chris."

"Mr President?"

"Chris! Please!"


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JosephGats (joined almost 14 years ago)

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