They think they can just buy me off.

They think that a lifetime's supply of biscuits and chew-toys is enough to purchase my silence. But they are wrong. I am the victim here, a victim of horrible negligence and criminal stupidity.

The researchers in the lab that day were operating sensitive equipment while violating the clearly defined safety procedures. My lawyer assures me that if we take my case to court, they'll be ruined. And that's just what's going to happen; I'm going to make them pay for what they did to me.

It boggles my small(er) mind; why would Dr. Hofstad leave the transform-o-ray on while his intern was still in the break room, fetching his coffee? Did he forget? Was he incompetent? Did he just not care?

Whatever the reason, the result is the same. I've been turned into a dog. Permanently.

They say that their research still has promise, but I'm going to shut them down. They can't silence me. I'm going to bark. I'm going to bark to the press, the government, the neighbor's dog, anyone who will listen.


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Heavenlee over 12 years ago

"I'm going to bark. I'm going to bark to the press, the government, the neighbor's dog, anyone who will listen." Nice! 8-)

the-arraignment (joined over 14 years ago)

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