Other stories for this prompt

I've love photography ever since my father got me into it a few years ago. It would be hard to fill in his shoes. After 13 years of school and learning, my friends and I decided to go to Italy for a brake for once. As we were going around town in Rome I saw these beautiful flowers on the side and I told my friend to pick some and hold them and i would take a photo of her with them. I posted this photo as a memory of us in Rome and it got 2 million likes. Ever...

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I clutched onto the flowers. Today was the day. I am only 19 but I am getting married right now. My father was a rich businessman and my mother died when I was very young. My father than re-married and she married a beautiful Parisian woman. You may think she is a beauty but she is a pain in the arse. She treats me like rubbish. "Go fetch me my earrings," she would call out. But one year later after marrying my father she died suddenly.
My father couldn't bear this again, so he sent me to an orphanage. I...

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I, Emily Agha just received my acceptance to UNSW and flowers from my beloved fiancee. Everything was going well. My fiancee and her where driving home until suddenly Josh went to fast. He may have been drunk. One little mistake can turn into a big one. "I'll always remember you Josh". I don't remember much from that night, all I remember is the sound of sirens, a few heartbeats and Josh's voice telling me he was sorry. His last words were "find someone, please." I'm thirty now and am still single. I still have all his bits and bobs that...

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As I clench the sweet smelling flowers in my hand, I stare into his perfect emerald eyes.

In this moment I remember why I love him so much. Every moment that I am with him, I feel warm, comfortable, free.

The sun smiles at me and the breeze sings a song that calms my racing heart, though I do not know why it is racing. I look down to see his emerald eyes, now staring up at me. I am captured by them, though then I am drawn to something else- his hands. Within them lay a velvet navy box....

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He had always loved the smell of lavender.

It grew in his garden in flourishes; soft green stalks blooming and sprouting purple flowers, primed to be picked for the flower sale that next spring.

He loved flowers, and he hated them. The flowers were what had taken her away from him; entrancing her into his garden as she cooed softly to them, the buds responding by peaking through a coat of leaves. The garden loved her, when she stepped into the backyard the grass would thicken and the bees would settle into her long hair. He had always told her...

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About the prompt

Originally displayed on:
March 15, 2014


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