She'd always come running when I called. That's why when she didn't come, I freaked out. My girlfriend was kind and gentle. Sweet and caring. I was very depressed before she died. When I called, she'd come running, whether I needed someone to bake a cake with me or someone to keel me from shooting myself in the head. I loved her. She'd always come running when I called. I called her that day in a state of panic. I couldn't find my watch, someone must've taken it. She said she'd come. I waited for about an hour before calling...

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"I think my feet are shrinking," she muttered, looking up at where she rested her soles against the wall. She laid on her back on the dark green couch, looking up at the ceiling, twisting a lock of her brown hair between the fingers of her right hand. Sunlight stealing in through the window struck the glass of water on the coffee table, casting a dancing reflection up onto the ceiling.

He looked up from his crossword as he sat in the rocking chair next to the couch. "They look the same to me."

"My shoes are too big." The...

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I'm in love with a robot. I know, I know, that sounds strange. But I am. It's name, or at least the name I gave it, is David. That was the name of my boyfriend. He died a few years ago. I designed David to be exactly like him. I love David, I really do. Although we cannot do anything physical, my heart is not longer broken. I feel...full again, full of love and emotion. I'm happy with David. David doesn't know he's a robot. He looks like a human, he looks like David. He talks like Davis, his personality...

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There once was a house that no child or adult dared enter, the house was known to be haunted. Even though that the house was haunted, it always seemed to look neat on the outside but it was rumored that it was haunted inside. Everyone knew not to go into that house, except this one child, Annie. Annie was a young girl who had wavy brown hair and big eyes. Annie didn't believe that the house was haunted, so one day she set off to go look through the house, she knew if her parents found out about what she...

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Here I was. Looking out the broken glass window. It was old but still fresh. I would know it only happened yesterday. "What have we done?" says the boy in the background, Dave. "No what have you done." I say walking away not letting him say another word. It was all normal five minutes ago, Casey was laughing and smiling. I was finally happy. Dave and Casey I guess had too much fun because they started fighting. Until Casey couldn't take it anymore and I had to step in. I flooded him with hundreds of insults until he mentioned the...

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"2070. 2071. 2072..."

Abe sighed, noting down the number and position so that he could start again later. He couldn't imagine starting again later, picking up the count, forcing himself to mouth the numbers, let the numbers run through his mind and out of his mouth.

But it would happen. Eventually. But at the moment, he could take a break, relax in a place where the numbers had no meaning.

Sometimes, he felt like the numbers he was counting were his own regrets and mistakes. 148, that he never asked out Jenny Mare three years ago, that he watched her...

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She cradled the faun's head. She listened to its soft breath, listened to its complaint, listened its petition. But what could she do? What judgment could she give that would hold in the face of her ever-shrinking kingdom. Every year she shrunk, every year there were more men, and every year there was less.

At night under the moon she called her sisters, who had all once been close, close enough to be one, but now far and spread. They came if they could, sent emissaries if they could not. They talked until the edge of the sun, bloated and...

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Francis ran as fast as he could. A flock of partridges was chasing him. "I must reach the oodles of gold first." He thought to himself as he ran. There it was! Oodles of gold lay over the hill. But he could tell that if he kept running he'd never beat them. So he rolled down the hill. He picked up in speed as he rolled towards the oodles of gold. He knew he'd reach it first. The partridges stopped at the top of the hill and groaned. They had lost. Francis danced around in the oodles of gold. "I'm...

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The young boy ran for his life, the giant monster of a dog chasing after him. The boy didn't do anything wrong, he thought the tennis ball was abandoned not the giant dogs'. The boys' legs started to burn with effort, puffs of aggressive air heaving from his tired lungs. He looked behind him for the nth time, the dog was bounding towards him even closer than before. Looking in front of him again he saw a fence to his right, a light bulb flickered in his thoughts. quickly turning to his right he sprinted with effort, legs feeling like...

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I had to bind myself together. I could feel pieces of me falling away, an arm, my left toe, my sense of grace under pressure. My lips struggled to speak as my tongue became unattached, my teeth loosened in my gums. My heart threatened to beat itself right out of my body, and I feared that it actually would.

The curse of unbeing is a cruel one indeed. I thought this as I wound the linen around my eyes, working to keep them in my skull. I wondered what I could have done to anger someone of such great power....

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