285049 (joined almost 10 years ago)


There's no way that's possible!

But this horse-like creature, it clearly looks like what could be described as a unicorn. But how.

We decided to ask the Zoo keeper why this horse had a sort of horn at the top of it's head.

"Oh this one?" He inquired, "It's a rare bread of horse, no one really knows why it has a horn."

I know for fact that the "unicorn" did not have any magic inside of it like fairytales would like you to believe.

But if a creature like this exsists, there's no telling what else could be possible....

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One summer, I went to the Zoo with my family. Me, my husband and daughter all decided to go out of town for a week for vacation. After all, it's nice to get out of town every once in a while.

For one of the days, we decided that we would visit the local Zoo, as that's what my daughter had always wanted to do all year long. She would consistently beg us to take her until in the summer time, when summer break finally arrived...we decided to go out of town for the week. For one of the days,...

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He ran into the room, his heart pounding and his clothes soaking wet.

Just earlier that day, he headed out for the day to go to work as he normally would. Who's knew that by the end of the day, he would get caught in a particularly bad rainstorm. Just his luck!

The other thing was, is that he was late for his bus.

So, he did the only thing that he could think of... run off into the direction heading towards home, to try to get there as fast as he could.

Needless to say...it did not go out...

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When I was younger, I remember all of the pressure that was placed on me to be good enough.

The training that I had to endure, to get where I am today. At the top of my game.

But I keep asking myself? "Is this really what I want? Am I'm living for myself, or for others?"

I turned the medallion in my hands as I thought of how all I wanted to do was to make them proud! My parents, and my coach.

But now that's in the past.

Now I realize that what I want, and what they...

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She was walking down the sidewalk in the downtown area of Seattle when she noticed a pile of white blankets and other pieces of cloth laying haphazardly on the right side of the sidewalk.

When she approached the bundle of the white blanket and other cloth, she briefly felt for it, thinking that there could be someone sleeping or even a dead body that was either abandoned, or may have died from an illness related to the recently unbearable heat.

However, she found that no one laid in the blankets, made obvious by the way that it was just tossed...

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When we go to work. We have memories of all kinds, from the good, the funny, the annoying. Just all kinds of memories that you will still remember as time goes on.

One of my recent memories from work was when one of my co-workers had scared my supervisor on purpose.

We were sitting at the desk when me and another co-worker of mine noticed her acting a bit suspicious, albeit in a funny way. When she hid under the desk, she put her finger to her lips telling us the "shush." Picking up the hint, we acted as if...

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